
New Information

[JLPT Preparation Course] No classes in April~June 2025.
【EVENT REPORT】Japanese Class on Tueunday Mornings
【EVENT REPORT】Japanese Class on Sundays
【Event Report】 Hello! World – “Let’s Dive Deep into Chinese Tea”
【Event Report】 Kimono Dressing and Tea Ceremony Experience (2/9)
The 142nd issue of the newsletter “Soyokaze” published.
【Report】Visited Kikuna Elementary School!
【Report】Get your homework done; Winter Homework Class
伝統文化体験教室「華道」IKEBANA 1/17 Jan.17th
The Sunday class is a break

Archive (06/29/2021 – 09/07/2021)
2021-09-07 Multicultural Mom’s cafe @zoom online
2021-09-07 Current Japanese Classes’ Schedule – Sep.2021
2021-09-07 Updates on Operation hours during State of Emergency Sep.2021
2021-08-21 Multicultural Mom’s cafe @zoom online
2021-08-10 ✰Participants wanted✰ 2021 Remote Ensemble Music ♪
2021-07-27 COVID-19 vaccination is given for FREE now in Japan
2021-07-20 ✰ Model Wanted ✰ for Fashion Show in Online WakuwakuFestival.
2021-07-20 Wakuwaku Festival Online 12/2021
2021-07-06 Tanabata at Kohoku International Lounge
2021-06-29 JLPT preparation courses are now open for registration

What Is Kohoku Lounge?

The Kohoku International Lounge was set up with an aim to enhance mutual understanding between Japanese and Non-Japanese residents living in Kohoku Ward by offering helpful information and organizing various events for the international friendship.
ACCESS  See the アクセス (Access) page.

Things We Can Support

Japanese Class

Japanese Class provides lessons mainly on daily conversation.
Nine Japanese Classes are available on the following time and days. Students can also enjoy studying Japanese culture and lifestyle.   Anyone who wants to study Japanese can apply for the class. 
Details 1

Sun.Mon.Tue.Thur.,Fri.&Sat.        10:00a.m. to 12 p.m.  
Tue.&Thur         6:30p.m to 8:30 p.m.

JPLT Preparation Class

Class for those who want to study JLPT(N1, N2, N3)

【JLPT Preparation Course】No Class (April~June 2025)

[JLPT Preparation Course] There will be no classes offered in April~June 2025.
The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) preparation course for the first half of 2025 (April to July) will not be held due to various circumstances.
The status for the clasese (September ~ November) is undecided. We will inform you as soon as it is determined.

JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) is an official ability test that aims to certifying one’s Japanese level. The JLPT exams are set up every six months, in July and December of each year. This preparation class is designed to enhance students’ Japanese language skills in a short time so that they can pass the JLPT exams (N1, N2, N3)

The schedule of classes are as follow

JLPT Exam July December
Preparation course April ~ JuneSeptember ~ November
Registration period In MarchIn August


Newcomer Children’s Class

“Newcomer Children’s Class” helps elementary and junior high school students whose first language is not Japanese.
Students can study Japanese and do schoolwork in group or individual.
★Date & Time : Sat., 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Details 2

Multicultural mom’s café

Let`s exchange information and talk about life in Japan and children while making friends. Foreign mothers, their kids and expecting mothers are welcome.



International Exchange Activities

“Morning Coffee” program is held regularly on the last Sunday every month except Feb., Sept., Oct. and Dec. This is where you can enjoy the Japanese customs or seasonal events such as Hina Dolls Festival, Cherry Blossom Viewing Party and Bon Dance Festival.

Introduction of Japanese Culture

These are enjoyable classes to get to understand Japanese tradition and culture.
Details 3 and schedule

Waku Waku Festival

Hundreds people gather to enjoy the annual festival which is the biggest event of the Lounge. Various programs take place such as Japanese speech by foreign students, Japanese language plays, dancing and singing.

Furusato Kohoku Fureai Matsuri (Kohoku Festival)

Lounge joins as a team member of Kohoku Ward office’s annual event.


Soccer game is played by German and Japanese school children.

Historic relay road race which is conducted by Kohoku Ward office. Japanese class students participate in it as a team.
Each member hands a sash to a next runner, relay, 6 times to complete a race.
A real international team play!

 Contact us

★Reception Desk

Japanese staff and foreign staff members support visitors and respond telephone inquiries at the reception desk in various languages.


9:00 – 21:00 Monday through Friday
9:00 – 17:00 Saturday, Sunday, National Holiday, August
3rd Monday (the following day if it is a public holiday)& Dec.29~Jan.3

Address316-1 Mamedo-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 222-0032

When are foreign staff members available?

English Everyday
Vietnamese Tuesday  9:00~13:00
Chinese Friday  9:00~13:00
Korean Thursday  9:00~13:00

Information for better living in Japan

★City of Yokohama


★ Multilingual Support Center Kanagawa

やさしい日本語 - 多言語支援センターかながわ

★ A Daily Life Support Portal For Foreign Nationals

外国人生活支援ポータルサイト | 出入国在留管理庁