
[JLPT Preparation Course] No classes in April~June 2025.
There will be no classes offered in April~June 2025. The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) preparation course fo...

【EVENT REPORT】Japanese Class on Tueunday Mornings
On March 11th, the Tuesday morning Japanese class had its last day of the third semester.After the lesson, everyone brok...

【EVENT REPORT】Japanese Class on Sundays
Japanese class; Sunday class event report On Sunday, March 2nd, 15 learners and 10 volunteers participated in an event. ...

【Event Report】 Hello! World – “Let’s Dive Deep into Chinese Tea”
An event titled "Let’s Dive Deep into Chinese Tea" was held, led by our staff member, Ouyang, who is from China. We lear...

【Event Report】 Kimono Dressing and Tea Ceremony Experience (2/9)
On February 9th, an event titled "Kimono Dressing and Tea Ceremony Experience" was held. A total of 15 participants, inc...

The 142nd issue of the newsletter “Soyokaze” published.
The 142nd issue of the Lounge Newsletter "Soyokaze" has been published. Click the cover on the left to view the full tex...

【Report】Visited Kikuna Elementary School!
On January 9th, members of the Mama Cafe were invited to Kikuna Elementary School's 5th-grade international understandin...

【Report】Get your homework done; Winter Homework Class
The student organization "Youth International Nandemo kyo-shitsu" organized an event on December 27th and 28th during th...

伝統文化体験教室「華道」IKEBANA 1/17 Jan.17th
伝統文化体験教室「華道」のお知らせ いけばな を してみませんか? 花(はな)を かざります。はじめての ひとでも だいじょうぶ です。◆2025年1月17日(金) 13時~15時◆参加費 外国人300円 日本人600円◆要予約(12/17...

The Sunday class is a break
The Sunday classes for children connected to foreign countries will not be held in December.It is a break! The next Sund...