English 伝統文化体験教室「華道」IKEBANA 5/23 May.23th→満席 伝統文化体験教室「華道」のお知らせ いけばな を してみませんか? 花(はな)を かざります。はじめての ひとでも だいじょうぶ です。満席になりました。次の機会にお申込みください。(5/18)◆2024年5月23日(木) 13時~15時◆... 2024.04.30 Englishラウンジ伝統文化教室
English あしたのママカフェは、ピクニックです!(4/11) ※ラウンジではありません。カーボンやまに いきます。 きくなえきで あいましょう!※ Let's meet at Kikuna station. Not the Int'l Lounge. We are going to Carbon Ya... 2024.04.10 Englishイベント・講座ママカフェラウンジ
English [Event Report] “International Understanding Session for kids” We held the annual "International Understanding Session for kids" during spring break. This time, people from Germany an... 2024.04.09 English
English Report on the end-of-term event for the Japanese Tuesday morning class: On March 12th, the Tuesday morning class invited a calligraphy teacher to hold an end-of-term event. Learners enthusiast... 2024.03.26 English
English Report on the end-of-term event for the Japanese Saturday class: On March 16th, it was the last day of the third term for the Saturday class at the Japanese language class. On this day,... 2024.03.26 English
English Report on the end-of-term event for the Japanese Friday class On March 8th, an event was held after the Friday class at the Japanese language class. It was very lively with activitie... 2024.03.26 English
English [JLPT Preparation Course 2024] Acceptance of registration begins on March 1st. Classes for those who want to study and prepare for the JLPT Exam (N1-N2-N3) in July 2024.・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・... 2024.02.24 English
English 【Winter vacation】Get your homework done 2024/Jan.6,7 Tiếng Việt にほんご To Parents of Elementary and Middle School Students with Connections Abroad We are going to have a wint... 2023.12.12 Englishニューカマーラウンジ外国人のかたへ
English Thank you for coming to Furusato Kohoku Fureai Festival 2023 Furusato Kohoku Fureai Festival 2023 was successfully held on Saturday, November 25th at Yokohama Arena. The weather was... 2023.11.28 English