

伝統文化体験教室「華道」IKEBANA 5/23 May.23th→満席

伝統文化体験教室「華道」のお知らせ いけばな を してみませんか? 花(はな)を かざります。はじめての ひとでも だいじょうぶ です。満席になりました。次の機会にお申込みください。(5/18)◆2024年5月23日(木) 13時~15時◆...


※ラウンジではありません。カーボンやまに いきます。 きくなえきで あいましょう!※ Let's meet at Kikuna station. Not the Int'l Lounge. We are going to Carbon Ya...

[Event Report] “International Understanding Session for kids”

We held the annual "International Understanding Session for kids" during spring break. This time, people from Germany an...

Sunday class off-site event


Report on the end-of-term event for the Japanese Tuesday morning class:

On March 12th, the Tuesday morning class invited a calligraphy teacher to hold an end-of-term event. Learners enthusiast...

Report on the end-of-term event for the Japanese Saturday class:

On March 16th, it was the last day of the third term for the Saturday class at the Japanese language class. On this day,...

Report on the end-of-term event for the Japanese Friday class

On March 8th, an event was held after the Friday class at the Japanese language class. It was very lively with activitie...

[JLPT Preparation Course 2024] Acceptance of registration begins on March 1st.

Classes for those who want to study and prepare for the JLPT Exam (N1-N2-N3) in July 2024.・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・...

【Winter vacation】Get your homework done 2024/Jan.6,7

Tiếng Việt  にほんご To Parents of Elementary and Middle School Students with Connections Abroad We are going to have a wint...

Thank you for coming to Furusato Kohoku Fureai Festival 2023 

Furusato Kohoku Fureai Festival 2023 was successfully held on Saturday, November 25th at Yokohama Arena. The weather was...