COVID – 19 Vaccine is given for FREE now in Japan.

Taking vaccine is not a compulsory, only for those who wish to take.
You will receive two doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

The instruction on how to get the vaccine will be sent to all Japanese citizens and all eligible foreign residents in Japan. For people who now live in Yokohama, you will receive an instruction envelope sent by Yokohama City like below.
Inside this envelope, there is a “vaccination ticket (coupon)” (接種券) and “Notice for COVID-19 Vaccination“ (ワクチン接種に関する案内).
Please do not throw away the “vaccination ticket (coupon)”.
By clicking in this Multilingual Version , you can read the instructions in different languages such as English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

If you have any questions or do not understand clearly about the instruction, you can call the below Call Center’s number. They can support in many languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Nepali, Spanish, and Portuguese.

● Inside the envelope, there is also a screening
questionnaire paper (予診票).
When you finished booking the vaccination date/ time and venue, please fill in this paper.
You can read the instruction on how to fill in many languages in this link
(Translations of Prevaccination Screening Questionnaire for COVID-19 vaccine
● On the day of your reservation, please make sure to come to the right place (that you have booked) and do not forget to bring:
- The vaccination ticket (coupon) – (接種券)
- Screening questionnaire paper – (予診票) (that has already been filled)
- Medication record -(お薬手帳)(if you have it)
- Your ID (Residence card/ Driver’s license/ Health insurance card, etc.)
<For your reference>
★You can read more about the vaccination online on this website: NHK WORLD-JAPAN
For example:
- When/ where you can get the vaccine
- The procedure of getting the vaccine
- How to get the vaccine (time schedule…)
English – Chinese – Vietnamese – Spanish – Portuguese – Arabia – Bengali – Burma – French – Hindi – Bahasa – Korean – Persian – Russian – Kiswahili – Thai – Urdu.
★COVID-19 Vaccine Navi” (English)
★【YouTube】Language: Japanese