JLPT Preparation Class               

Class for those who want to study and prepare for the JLPT Exam (N1-N2-N3)

Application starts on August 1st.

How to apply: Application form is available at the bottom of the page, please fill in the application form to register (Kindly note that this is not an online class, class will be held at Kohoku International Lounge).

JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) is an official ability test that aims to certifying one’s Japanese level. The JLPT exams are set up every six months, in July and December of each year. This preparation class is designed to enhance students’ Japanese language skills in a short time so that they can pass the JLPT exams (N1, N2, N3).

JLPT Exam July   December
JLPT Preparation ClassApril ~ June September ~ November
Registration periodIn March In August

Contents: Focus on Vocabulary, Kanji, Grammar, Reading, Listening – to get students familiar with the test structures and practice mock tests.

Students: For those who want to prepare for the JLPT exams level N1-N2-N3; those who already passed the N2-N3-N4 or had equivalent level.

Study time :

<N1> Friday class: 13:00 – 15:00/ Sunday class: 12:30 – 14:30

<N2> Friday class: 15:10 – 17:10/ Sunday class: 12:30 – 14:30

<N3> Friday class: 13:00 – 15:00/ Sunday class: 14:45 – 16:45

* Please see the detailed schedule here(PDF)

Number of students: 7 students per class

Tuition fee: 10,000 yen (Kindly pay at the first session, please note that tuition fee cannot be refunded)

Textbook: Please prepare to have the textbooks (below) before class.

 アスク出版あすくしゅっぱん Textbook: 1320 yen/textbook (tax included)
 Nihongo Soumatome <Grammar/ Vocabulary/ Kanji>


   Application form(here)