On January 9th, members of the Mama Cafe were invited to Kikuna Elementary School’s 5th-grade international understanding class!
The title was “Welcome to the New World!” The theme was to share information about Japan with the foreign guests.
The session included a quiz about Japanese food names, an introduction to a spinning top game made with origami, experiences of popular sports in Japan, and the introduction of essential Japanese phrases for daily life. The event was packed with exciting activities, and not only the foreign participants, but also the Japanese attendees and the children who came along had a fantastic time.

Everyone was deeply moved by the kindness shown towards the young children and the wonderful content and ideas presented!
Additionally, the mini-lessons on Japanese phrases used in schools, stations, and hospitals were very helpful for the foreign participants who are studying Japanese. They were so happy to have received a notebook with the words they learned, saying, “This is exactly what I needed!” I shared their excitement with the children right there on the spot!

We also had lunch together! It was quite rare for the foreign guests, as they were surprised by the fact that, they served the lunch themselves.

In the end, it was so hard to say goodbye, and we kept waving until the very last moment! The foreign guests were excited by the wonderfulness of the Japanese children and school. Some even said, “I want to build a school like this in my country!” (^_^)/
For the foreign participants, I believe the experience at a school where their own children might one day study was something truly significant.
A big thank you to the 5th graders of Kikuna Elementary School, their homeroom teacher, and everyone involved for such a fun and memorable time!